Summit Circle & Westmount Lookout

Westmount is Montreal’s most affluent neighborhood. I rarely go there because I’m from a humbler background and I despise the rich, but this artist chick I know used to make a killing by painting funky aquarelle portraits of the multi-million dollar houses on Summit Circle and hustling them to the owners. Her best sale was to the wife of a well-known construction mogul who commissioned four paintings, one for each of the house’s mantelpieces, and paid her 2000$. She got away with it because she’s pretty and inoffensive-looking, but as this blogger points out if you show too much interest in the neighbourhood’s lavish estates you’re bound to get harrassed by the cops and patrolling private security agents.

Anyways my artist friend tells me that there’s a 50-acre public bird and flower sanctuary up there, crisscrossed by paths and bordered by Summit Circle’s mansions. Most regular folk don’t even know the park exists, but apparently it’s a real gem. There’s also a lookout with an unobstructed view of Montreal’s west side that gets very few visitors.

Visiting Summit Circle is near impossible if you don’t have a car. Biking up there is feasible, but treacherous. The closest bus stop is at the bottom of the hill, so unless you’re looking for some serious exercise walking is a bad idea too.Your best bet is to drive up Belvedere Road and turn onto Summit Road if you’re arriving from the east, or take Sunnyside Avenue and turn onto Upper Bellevue if you’re arriving from the west.